pp108 : Creating a Business Measure Using Standard Measures

Creating a Business Measure Using Standard Measures

This topic describes the procedure to add Standard Measures as run-time reference and to create a Business Measure using the Standard Measures.

Standard Measures are used for monitoring business processes and to track volumes - that is, values and counts of different aspects of the processes and their associated transaction.

  1. Select a starting point and reuse Standard Measures. In the Untitled Webservice Interface - Webservice Interface window that appears, ensure that you select the Standard Measures from Cordys Business Activity Monitoring folder > MethodSet BAM Standard Measures 1.0. The Standard Measures are added to the existing project as a reference.
  2. Create a Business Measure by selecting Webservice option as datasource from the Create Measure From drop-down list. The Select Web Service field appears with .
  3. Click the corresponding to the Select Web Service field. The Select Webservice dialog box appears.
  4. Select a Standard Measure, for example, GetTotalNoOfInstancesForProcessByActivityByStatus. The Standard Measure is selected.
    Note: Add the remaining Standard Measures similarly.
  5. Ensure that KPI option is selected for Business Measure For.
  6. Complete the creation of the Business Measure.

    The Business Measure is created using a Standard Measure.

After you complete this task:
You must attach the created Business Measure when you Create a KPI.

Related tasks

Selecting a Data-source

Related reference

Functions of Measures